Innate Living
Educatedly getting back to innate living begins first with removing interferences to the educated brain.
Educatedly getting back to innate living begins first with removing interferences to the educated brain.
If things can improve, this means that there must be some absolute standard of good above and outside the cosmic process to which that process can approximate. There is no sense in talking of ‘becoming better’ if better means simply ‘what we are becoming- it is like congratulating yourself on reaching your destination and defining … Read more
The question is asked by a reader, “Can we really say that vertebral subluxation is not the only cause of disease?” If we do not purport to get sick people well by correcting vertebral subluxation then can we imply it is one of the causes of disease? Actually, no we cannot, and I’ve probably incorrectly said that at one … Read more
There is no consensus in science. Consensus is relegated to politics. Just as tragedy is relegated to drama.
The governor of New York recently said that jihadist bombings like the one the Boston Marathon experienced is the “new norm,” that we really must get used to these kinds of incidents. I believe that we must reject the idea that we can allow or condone the redefining of normal. Innocent civilian bombings are an … Read more
All health care professionals address the matter. The practice of medicine addresses the matter for the purpose of changing/improving the matter. The practice of chiropractic addresses the matter for the purpose of changing /improving the force so the intelligence can change the matter.
…is the normal response or the abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation. The former we understand by deduction, the latter we understand by experience. The problem is that rarely can we tell the difference.
Some years back the slogan for a large company was “Better Living Through Chemistry.” There is no doubt that chemistry has bettered our lives. From the creation of plastics and synthetic fibers to the fertilizers that help grow our food, chemistry is a vital and daily part of the human experience. We know how important … Read more
Without the philosophy you become frustrated at not getting sick people well and begin mixing.. Still frustrated, more mixing until you decide getting sick people well is not important-making money is or you become medicine… then you are really frustrated.
What are the reasons why the innate intelligence of the practice member’s body would not correct a vertebral subluxation beside poor technique? B.J. seemed to think that the only limitation of matter was the inability of the nerve system to carry a mental impulse and that was due to a vertebral subluxation. Are there others?