

          If taking a patient’s vital signs makes you a better, more competent chiropractor, then doing full body diagnostic tests will make you an even better one.  Following that logic, the closer we come to practicing medicine, the better chiropractor we are.  which means that the best chiropractors in the world are not chiropactors at … Read more


                      Why is it that…                    …those in our profession who consider themselves the intellectual superiors cannot understand the simple philosophy of chiropractic?            …those who cry for unity in the profession constantly attack, ridicule, and denigrate those who think differently than they do?            …those that want to lead the profession merely follow the medical … Read more

Odd, Isn't It

 If medical doctors have more malpractice suits than chiropractors, why is it some of  our profession feel the more medical procedures we do, the less incidence of malpractice we will have?    The effects of straight chiropractic care on the spine as an organ, other organs of the body, and specific diseases is or should be … Read more


                Why is it that the “ICA people” feel that their professional objectives are so different from the ACA’s that they cannot merge, yet they believe that their academic objectives are so similar that they can both utilize the same accrediting agency?   Mixers present chiropractic as another approach tot he treatment of disease.  Straights present … Read more


Outside- in philosophy is the sum total of man’s thinking apart from the recognition of a Wisdom of the Universe and the logical, deductive reasoning that emanates from that recognition.V8N6

A Thought

Graduates of straight chiropractic colleges who choose to utilize modalities when they go into practice often claim that it is not because they have rejected the straight chiropractic philosophy.  Many of them maintain that they need the money which the insurance company gives them in order to get out of debt and pay bills.  Many … Read more

Odd, Isn't It?

A few years ago many state boards declared that they were not against the straights but that they just wanted assurance that chiropractic education was adequate at all schools.  CCE, they say, gave them that assurance.  SCASA, the federal accrediting agency for straight chiropractic, now has parity with CCE.  You would think that the states … Read more


  Chiropractic is not what you do. It is whatyou think. Most actions will follow the lines of opur thinking. The greatestamount of thinking is done with the hands- adjusting to treat symptoms. v4n2


  Go through every means employed in therapeutics and you will find the fundamental principle is that cure is obtained through the subtraction or multiplication of matter upon matter. Yet then comes a new philosophy: chiropractic. We don’t add or take anything away. BJ Palmer  v4n2


  Philosophy  deals with information thatenables people to make accurate perceptions. Those perceptiond may be in the area of science. For this reason philosophy and science are not antithetical. V4n2