The problem with our profession is not that we have so many differing viewpoints. All professions do. The problem is that some of us feel very strong about ours. So strong that we sometimes do not act in a professional manner. v15n1
The problem with our profession is not that we have so many differing viewpoints. All professions do. The problem is that some of us feel very strong about ours. So strong that we sometimes do not act in a professional manner. v15n1
The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. –found in a fortune cookie v14n4
People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed or repetition is the best teacher. Philip Johnson v14n4
As a profession, we do not want medical doctors adjusting vertebral subluxations but we want to treat disease. Odd isn’t it? v14n4
The problem is not that our profession is unable to agree on a definition of chiropractic. The problem is that we have failed to define the practice of medicine or to accept how medicine defines itself. Most chiropractors define medicine as “anything I choose not to do.” v14n3
If you don’t know whether a sign or symptom is good or bad to start with, how do you know if a change is for the better or worse? v14n3
We think our need is to overcome the lifelong meducation of our practice members, but it is more than just medical brainwashing that we need to address. It is the outside-in thinking that permeates every aspect of their lives. Outside-in thinking in the area of health, personified by the medical community is just a small … Read more
If chiropractic corrects the cause of disease or if subluxation is the cause of all disease, how do we account for the fact that people who are not under chiropractic care get well from medical conditions? I am not talking about temporary, symptomatic relief either, but the actual complete resolution of a condition that never … Read more
If you feel you must “monitor innate” (check the symptoms or do medical examination of the patient) to determine the need for chiropractic care, you either do not trust the innate intelligence of the body or you do not trust your own ability to locate, analyze and correct vertebral subluxations. The former reason makes you … Read more
.We think our need to overcome the lifelong medication of our patients. But it is more than just medical brainwashing. It is the outside-in thinking that permeates every aspect of their lives. Outside in thinking in this area of health, personified by medicine, is just a small part of it. Until this way people look … Read more