

Odd Isn’t It If studies have shown that chiropractic is more effective for back pain than massage, why are chiropractors adding massage to their practices? v15n4 Also D.D. abandoned magnetic healing because chiropractic was more effective, why are chiropractors now selling magnets in their offices?


Those who are really to be admired are not the ones who were drawn to chiropractic because of a “miracle cure” but those who had no symptoms and sought chiropractic care—those who were drawn to chiropractic by the philosophy and the logic behind it.  It is easy to be convinced by a spectacular experience.  It … Read more


 Why is it medicine can be so adamant that a displaced (herniated) disc can impinge upon the cord and spinal nerves and cause all kinds of problems affecting the function of the nerve system? They are so confident this can happen that they actually perform major surgery to reduce that impingement. Yet they are just … Read more


A paradigm is more than a model.  It assumes a way of looking at life.  For example, the evolutionist has a naturalistic paradigm.  His model assumes that God does not exist, did not interject Himself into human history and that man has no purpose or rational end.  He then goes about accumulating facts to support … Read more


The strength and greatness of chiropractic is and always has been in the chiropractor’s realization of his or her own limitations. When chiropractors cease to realize their weakness and dependency upon the innate intelligence of the body to accomplish their objective, chiropractic will cease to be great. v15n3

Why Chiropractic is not an Alternative to Medicine

The philosophical conflict between medicine and chiropractic can be summed up simply: Medicine believes that disease causes a lack of health. Chiropractic believes that a lack of health causes disease. Consequently, medicine treats disease while chiropractic addresses one of the causes for a lack of health. Medicine and chiropractic are going in opposite directions. An … Read more


If you are going to practice objective straight chiropractic, you are paying for an education you do not need. If you are going to practice therapeutic chiropractic, you are paying for an education you do not get. v15n1