
Simplistic Chiropractic

Man, historically, has looked for a simplistic approach to disease. At one time or another it was believed that all illness was caused by demons, night air, “bad humors” and various other entities. Even in modern times medicine has embraced this idea hence the development of so-called miracle drugs. It was in this atmosphere that … Read more

Objectives and Principles

The concept of defining chiropractic by its objectives occasionally causes some confusion. If we define chiropractic by its objectives, straight chiropractic then consists of correcting vertebral subluxations so that the innate intelligence of the body is better able to express itself. Mixing chiropractic, on the other hand, consists of correcting subluxations and performing therapeutic procedures … Read more

Removing Interferences

We as chiropractors often underestimate how many different factors can act as interferences to the body healing itself and maintaining itself in a state of health. Naturally when these interferences are removed, the body has greater innate healing power. The ability to remove these interferences is to a large degree the reason for the success … Read more

Thoughts on our Major Premise

Perhaps we need to think more about our Major Premise and how it is concluded. Once we accept the Major Premise, there is little difficulty in deductively drawing out conclusions that give us the philosophical basis for the practice of chiropractic (although very few of our profession do it!). The way in which we determine … Read more

A Philosophical Case History – An Answer

Two issues ago (Vol I No. 4) we presented the case histo­ry of an individual with a heart transplant and addressed  the question: If the innate intelligence of the body were trying  to reject the transplanted heart, would chiropractic  adjustments increase the innate potential and hasten the rejection  process?  We received some interesting comments. Some  of … Read more

The Triune of Man

Definitions: physical- pertaining to the material part of all things. spiritual-pertaining to a non-material part of man. innate—-pertaining to a non-material part of all living things. There is a physical dimension to man to which the field of medicine addresses itself. There is also a spiritual dimension to the human race to which theology and … Read more

A Philosophical Case History

Adult male, age 42, was a chiropractic patient for a relatively short time prior to having a heart transplant. Eighteen months after the surgery, he returned to the chiropractor and resumed care on a regular basis receiving full spinal adjustments. He is taking a half dozen different medications for various side effects and complications of … Read more

Conservative Health Care

I recently saw an interesting advertisement for a book by a chiropractor relating to the therapeutic and diagnostic aspects of conservative health care. Across the page was an ad for a book on conservative treatment for urinary tract infections. It had never struck me before. (Probably every other chiropractor has thought of this), but there … Read more

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is: A. The treatment of disease without drugs or surgery. B. The adjustment of vertebral subluxation to improve health. C. The adjustment of vertebral subluxation to enable the innate intelligence of the body to better express itself. D. The removal or reduction of the vertebral subluxation and its component parts (VSC). E. All of … Read more

Odd, Isn't It?

Every so often an inconsistency in the thinking of different chiropractors jumps out at me.  Over the past few months, I have noted many such cases and filed them for future reference.  I retrieved them today and decided to share them with you. Historically chiropractors maintained and even testified under oath that chiropractic was different from … Read more