
Living Innately

When we discuss the idea of living innately, I do not believe we are talking about receiving some “spirit-guide” message that tells us to do this or do that, to turn right or turn left, or to say yes or say no.  Rather it is making decisions and doing things which the innate intelligence of … Read more

A Walk in the Woods

Reggie Gold has used the very good analogy of a walk in the woods when describing our understanding and development of the chiropractic philosophy.  You can only walk into the woods halfway.  Beyond that point you are no longer walking in; you are walking out of the woods.  The philosophy of chiropractic is without a … Read more

True Science

For some reason I cannot get terribly excited about all the quantum physics theories that are thrown around at chiropractic seminars.  In the end they seem to be just another mechanistic approach to the explanation of this phenomena we call “life.”  But there is a new concept that strikes at the very paradigm of science, … Read more

It’s Not My Problem

I always find it perplexing that people say a procedure should not be used until it is proven effective by whatever means they think is appropriate.  Does that place the issue of proof above compassion and concern for our fellow human beings?  There are the extreme examples such as people with terminal cancer who have … Read more

True Science

For some reason I cannot get terribly excited about all the quantum physics theories that are thrown around at chiropractic seminars. In the end they seem to be just another mechanistic approach to the explanation of this phenomena we call “life.” But there is a new concept that strikes at the very paradigm of science, … Read more

Medical Bashing

Why is it that so many in our profession seem to feel it is our job to attack the medical profession. Sometimes it so much borders on childish behavior that it is embarrassing. In response to the medical community questioning the validity of the chiropractic approach, we answer with, “Oh yea! Well you kill thousands … Read more

It’s Not My Problem

I always find it perplexing that people say a procedure should not be used until it is proven effective by whatever means they think is appropriate. Does that place the issue of proof above compassion and concern for our fellow human beings? There are the extreme examples such as people with terminal cancer who have … Read more


I have come to the conclusion that most people in this day and age are willing to be tolerant of anything and anyone as long as it does not involve absolutes or principles. In other words, I believe most people are unwilling to tolerate absolute truths or principles. People are willing to tolerate ideas and … Read more

Which Candidate is Pro Chiropractic?

Recently one of the national associations published an article about a presidential candidate supporting chiropractic and chiropractic legislation. The inference was that we should be aware of which candidates support chiropractic and which do not. I have always had a problem with one-issue candidates or in supporting a candidate because he agrees with my position … Read more

300,000 Dead 4 Million Injured ~Hospitals are Killing Us

Recently a publication carried a photograph of the president and vice-president of a national chiropractic organization carrying the two signs above while standing in front of a famous hospital in Southern California.  This organization has a history of being anti-medical, but this scene was a little much for even me.  I very much admire the … Read more