
From the Mailbox

Dear Joe, “A patient asked this question: ‘How do you know that by … adjusting the spine you are actually improving nerve supply from the brain.” Dr. R.B. One of the difficulties that we have as objective straight chiropractors is that we are performing a service that does not necessarily have noticeable benefits. Sometimes it … Read more

Thoughts on Research

Excerpt from The Strauss Commentaries on the Green Books-Book Six. As B.J. discusses the research and data of the B.J. Palmer Research Clinic, I am always left with the same question.  It is clear that B.J. wanted to do legitimate research.  He went to great pains in his work to remove variables.  He used the … Read more

The Sacred Trust

Excerpt from The Strauss Commentaries on the Green Books-Book Six. In a section entitled The Fountain Head-The PSC, Dr. Ivens enumerates the impressive accomplishments of B.J. Palmer including the development of the School, the Printery, the Osteological Laboratory, the Student Clinic, the Radio Station and others, not to mention the development of X-ray, the NCM, … Read more

Intellectual Chiropractic

In reading J.P. Moreland   recently, I was struck by some comments he made concerning the success, survival and growth of a movement whether it be political, philosophical, religious or other.  Some of the things he wrote are very applicable to chiropractic and are worthy of thought and discussion.  He said that a movement cannot survive … Read more

Intellectual Chiropractic

In reading J.P. Moreland recently, I was struck by some comments he made concerning the success, survival and growth of a movement whether it be political, philosophical, religious or other.  Some of the things he wrote are very applicable to chiropractic and are worthy of thought and discussion.  He said that a movement cannot survive … Read more

Mega-shifts in Thinking

There is no doubt that the greatest task of the objective straight chiropractic movement is educating the public to what chiropractic truly is.  This task has been made more difficult by the stupidity (idiocy, imbecility, witlessness) of our profession in positioning itself as a treatment for bad backs.  It is perhaps the ultimate example of … Read more

The Vertebral Subluxation

As scientific knowledge and philosophical understanding increases, it sometimes becomes necessary for us to reexamine and/or redefine aspects of chiropractic. Perhaps the facet most in need of reexamination is the vertebral subluxation. The importance of the vertebral subluxation is underscored by the fact that it is a central part of the chiropractic philosophy, the chiropractic … Read more

Neither Fish Nor Fowl

As objective straight chiropractors, we often find ourselves in the middle of the chiropractic conflict, a place we really do not want to be. In fact, sometimes I think that we are so far removed from the mixer/ACA and the B.J./ICA chiropractors who believe they are straight that we have nothing in common with either … Read more

The Vertebral Subluxation

As scientific knowledge and philosophical understanding    increases, it sometimes becomes necessary for us to reexamine and/or redefine aspects of chiropractic.  Perhaps the facet most in need of reexamination is the vertebral subluxation.  The importance of the vertebral subluxation is underscored by the fact that it is a central part of the chiropractic philosophy, the chiropractic … Read more