
The Laws of Nature

The so-called laws of nature means different things to different people. The mechanist says they are random forces and, depending upon the matter, they elicit a certain response that over time may appear to be orderly but they believe is still random. One response of the matter causes us to describe the matter as living, … Read more

It Was Only a Matter of Time

How long could we chiropractors encroach further and further into the practice of medicine before the medical profession cried “enough!” I guess we thought that since we were confining our actions to treating mostly musculoskeletal problems they would not notice. However, the continued and increasing emphasis on diagnosing medical conditions has finally caused them to … Read more

Merger Part II

I guess the recent success in Michigan has emboldened the merger proponents to make the big leap or perhaps big push, to merge two national organizations. While the “demand” was made by COCSA, it probably reflects the thinking of many of the profession. Some chiropractors use the lack of a unified profession as the reason … Read more

What is Self-Organization?

Sometimes we are given words and terms as part of our lexicon and consequently we don’t really give them a second thought as to whether they are sound, proper, or philosophically correct. One such term may be self-organization, referring to the body as being self-organizing. At first glance it would seem to convey a correct … Read more

Proving Chiropractic Scientifically

There is a physical component to a nerve/mental impulse. It can be measured scientifically by instruments like an EMG. Our philosophy says that carried along this electrochemical phenomena is a mental impulse, a metaphysical message or thought generated by the innate intelligence of the body (another metaphysical concept). Neither the mental impulse nor the innate … Read more

Theology and Chiropractic Part 3

Recently, I was purging some old files and came across an article written by a well-known chiropractic college president. The article was dated November 6, 1992 which should tell you how rarely I purge my files. I am often amazed at how divorced from reality chiropractors can be in their thinking but I was especially … Read more

Theology and Chiropractic Part 2

In the last issue, I explained the differences and similarities between the innate intelligence of the body and the soul and the resultant confusion. It subsequently occurred to me that some discussion on the difference between universal intelligence and God is warranted. Like the confusion between the soul and innate intelligence, I believe DD and … Read more

The Curse of Chiropractic

Recently, David Seaman, M.S., D.C., D.A.C.B.N., a chiropractic columnist, also a professor at a respected chiropractic institution, wrote an article with the above title, attacking the philosophy of the man who bears the name of his institution. I have no problem with pointing out the errors or the inconsistencies of the Palmer philosophy but this … Read more

Philosophical and Theological Distinctions

There are so many similarities and areas of common interest between chiropractic philosophy and theological concepts that there is often an overlapping. The thread of truth woven through these two areas of study has provided the critics of chiropractic, both outside and within our profession, with ammunition and the opportunity to charge us with religious … Read more

Innate Intelligence Caused Vertebral

Every so often the question arise whether the innate intelligence of the body would ever have reason to cause a vertebral subluxation. My first reaction is always the same, “Why on earth would the innate intelligence of the body do that?” Perhaps the question is asked by those who do not understand the metaphysical ramification … Read more