Pivot Review Archives


  To go to jail for practicing chiropractic, one would have to be either a fool, or he or she would have to see chiropractic as much more than just a drugless approach to treating musculoskeletal conditions, something worthy of such a sacrifice. v11n2

DIS-EASE in Chiropractic

Because of managed care, chiropractic practices are down 20% in the U.S. and down 50% in the state of New York, according to a spokesman for the ACA.  It is such a frightening trend that the organization is considering bringing an anti-trust suit against managed health care program’s carriers.  It is interesting that when some … Read more

The Body Heals Itself!?

It’s interesting how, no matter how much we know or think we know, we can always learn more.  Further, no matter how much we think we have our act together, we can still have demonstrated to us our incorrect or fuzzy thinking.  For example, a simple phrase like, “the body heals itself” can lead to … Read more

Chiropractic and Nature

There are many world viewpoints that on the surface appear to agree with our chiropractic philosophy, but with closer observation are clearly contrary to straight chiropractic.  Some of the philosophy of wholistic health care, quantum healing, Ayurvedic medicine, and New Age thought in general, have some similarities to the chiropractic philosophy.  Much of it does … Read more

If a Tree Falls in the Forest….

     Medicine maintains that a disease does not exist until and unless it is diagnosed in the patient.  Similarly they conclude that no one died of smoking-related diseases until the Surgeon General’s Report.  In fact, cigarettes were not dangerous until then.  Further, they claim that no one died of diet-related diseases until they established scientifically … Read more

We Need To Improve our Approach

Having been involved with chiropractic for over 30 years and closely associated with chiropractic education and communication for many years, I have seen some changes taking place.  In the early 60’s there was virtually no communication, no “message” that the chiropractic profession had to offer the public.  Perhaps it was our low self-esteem or dwindling … Read more


          If taking a patient’s vital signs makes you a better, more competent chiropractor, then doing full body diagnostic tests will make you an even better one.  Following that logic, the closer we come to practicing medicine, the better chiropractor we are.  which means that the best chiropractors in the world are not chiropactors at … Read more

The Brady Bill and Chiropractic

              It doesn’t matter what position on gun control you take.  Both sides would agree that the efforts by the anti-gun forces are merely the beginning.  the NRA seems like a group of radicals because they appear to oppose any kind of restrictive gun legislation.  Is a five-day waiting period such a bad thing?  Are … Read more


                      Why is it that…                    …those in our profession who consider themselves the intellectual superiors cannot understand the simple philosophy of chiropractic?            …those who cry for unity in the profession constantly attack, ridicule, and denigrate those who think differently than they do?            …those that want to lead the profession merely follow the medical … Read more