Our philosophy is founded on the existence and reality of an innate intelligence.v25n2
Our philosophy is founded on the existence and reality of an innate intelligence.v25n2
Mechanism, or its philosophical component, materialism, has infiltrated just about every aspect of modern life, with the possible exception of religion…and of that I am not too sure. It is on the verge of totally taking over chiropractic. While many chiropractors give lip service to the idea of an innate intelligence, very few acknowledge it … Read more
In an ongoing effort to figure out the problems that confront the chiropractic profession, I was struck by an ad I saw in my local newspaper. It was placed by a chiropractor who has been relatively successful in the profession for well over 20 years, not someone desperate to build a practice. The photo in … Read more
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics.” -Mark Twain Some in our profession are quick to be critical of medical care. Most of the time it is so we can feel better about ourselves, as if there was a correlation between the failure and shortcomings of medicine and the value and … Read more
In the early 1900”s we were told that the public and medicine would accept us if we were licensed. W e spent the next sixty years doing that. Then they told us the public and the medical community would accept us if we were included in government programs (apparently licensure did not do it). We … Read more
Recently a noted chiropractor wrote in a professional publication that he had attended a seminar that discussed the chiropractic world view. He never explained what it was. What is your understanding of a “chiropractic world view”. December 7, 2009
To what standard in the area of diagnosis should a chiropractor be held? Should he be as competent as a medical doctor? If so, would it be appropriate for an M.D. to act as an expert witness against a chiropractor in a malpractice case?11-30-2009
To what standard in the area of diagnosis should a chiropractor be held? Should he be as competent as a medical doctor? If so, would it be appropriate for an M.D. to act as an expert witness against a chiropractor in a malpractice case?11-30-2009
Holistic health care is really holistic disease care. Its intention is to provide an alternative approach to the treatment of disease. Chiropractic is not an alternative because its objective is not disease. v25n1
Seeing adaptation even among bacteria as random mutation is like seeing a bullet wound as a random act caused by a gun going off by itself. It cannot happen and making that assumption would lead to a dead end. On the contrary, assuming there was a human being involved would set you on a course … Read more