Pivot Review Archives

ADIO v. OIBU v.?

There appears to be a third category of viewpoint beside the outside in and ADIO viepoints and that is what we might call the “no viewpoint” viewpoint. There are a certain group of people who do not appearto live their lives based upon any viewpoint. They use a combination of emotion, habit, tradition, peer pressure, … Read more

Metaphysical and Supernatural

Metaphysical is not supernatural. It is part of the natural world but inexplicable by present scientific means. There is a metaphysical component birds being able to fly south for the winter. Elephants flying south for the winter would be supernatural. Life is metaphysical. Ressurection is supernatural. Innate intelligence is metaphysical. Your innate intelligence being able … Read more

Odd Isn't It?

Isn’t it odd that the medical doctor (and some in our profession) can blame sickness and disease on a microscopically small bacteria and an even smaller virus. Yet they cannot conceive of the small movement of a vertebra from its proper position putting a slight pressure on a nerve and interfering with the proper function … Read more

The Environment

The environment is not a positive or even a passive entity. It is a negative one as far as mankind is concerned. The reason is theological, not chiropractic. We acknowledge it in chiropractic terms by saying universal forces are destructive toward structural matter. Nature is universal forces. It is our antagonist. We and medicine agree … Read more

The 100th Monkey Effect

Too often we clothe theories, beliefs and dogmas in scientific or philosophical trappings which gives them credibility and unfortunately, makes people think they are fact. We could call it the “100th monkey” effect. A purely seculative, wishful thinking theory, by constant repitition became accepted by many as fact. Some quantum physics theories and chiropractic technique … Read more

The Adjustment

There are many things that may be happening in the process of giving an adjustment. Whether there is an exchange or transfer of energy has nothing to do with chiropractic. (If anything it is magnetic healing.) Whether there is an emotional, psychological, or mental activity taking place between doctor and practice member has nothing to … Read more

Outside-in vs. ADIO

The outside-in system is attractive to the desperate person. He/she is looking for a quick solution, easy answers, immediate relief for his/her personal, social, spiritual and physical problems. The ADIO philosophydoes not offer easy solutions. It is the consistent day in day out applications of principles and laws. They want to hear the quick fix … Read more

Principles in Chiropractic

There are untestable “principles” in chiropractic eg. innate intelligence. There are also testable principles, eg the supremacy of the nerve system. The two make up chiropractic. Unfortunately science is only able to study and evaluate testable principles making it inadequate in the validation of chiropractic.  January 4,2010

The Medicare Mess

Never having participated in Medicare I am unfamiliar with all the “ins and outs” of the program. I am continually getting emails, calls, and letters from people telling me that I cannot take care of Medicare practice members without being part of and billing Medicare. It’s interesting that we have a health care bill now … Read more