Chiropractic Practice

Your Amazing Body

It has been my experience that one of the keys to getting people to understand the big idea of chiropractic is to instill an awe and appreciation for how wonderful the human body is and for its ability to heal and be healthy by virtue of the expression of the innate intelligence of the body. … Read more

Once You Go to a Chiropractor They Keep You Coming Back Over and Over.

If there is one statement that frosts me it is that one. It is usually said by a critic of chiropractic and Dr. James Winterstein recently wrote that it is, “One of the most frequently voiced complaints about chiropractic practice,” and he appears to agree with it. Unfortunately, critics of chiropractic can be found within … Read more


Some people thrive on confrontation. They usually end up being in sales. Yet for all of us, whether you are a parent or a chiropractor, or both, you realize that some ability to confront is important in our life. No one enjoys confronting their children regarding negative aspects of the child’s behavior. We love our … Read more

Giving People What They Want

When people come into our office they obviously come wanting something. They may not verbally express it, they may not even realize it themselves but they do have a want, a desire. 1. They may want a specific problem corrected. That is not too difficult to understand and I think that ordinarily that is not … Read more