Chiropractic History

An Historical Perspective

There is quite a controversy within our profession over the use of non-prescription drugs and there are even a few advocating the limited use of prescription drugs. The one side argues that we must move with the times, recognizing the value of medication in certain situations. The other group argues that chiropractic has historically chosen … Read more

The Death of Traditional Chiropractic

Historically, chiropractic has been practiced in many ways. There is evidence of the use of traction devices and mechanical therapy as far back as 1908 and before. But despite these infrequent (or sometimes frequent) aberrations, there still was a traditional approach to the practice of chiropractic. Chiropractic was still an approach to “getting sick people … Read more

Clearview Sanitarium

A student asked me recently why the Clearview Sanitarium closed, especially since it was getting such fantastic results in the correction of mental disorders. I imagine there were many contributing factors, but the basic cause is one that speaks to us as chiropractors today. It closed because it was trying to compete with medicine in … Read more

Idol Worship

Like most issues in our profession, the way in which we view the past leaders of our profession, in particular D.D. and B.J., is divided into two camps. This is especially true regarding B.J.. We have one group that views him somewhere between a deity and the Oracle at Delphi, and another group that sees … Read more

Chiropractic Roots

It is indeed a sad indictment upon our profession that there is so little apparent interest in chiropractic history. I imagine the apathetic attitude is no worse than the lack of interest in American history by most Americans. However, you would think that anyone truly interested in chiropractic, its philosophy and its future would be … Read more