Patient Education


There are two approaches to advertising. The first involves getting the person into the office as a direct response to your ad. This type of ad usually involves some special offer that will cause an immediate response. In the 60’s and 70’s the most common one was free x-rays. It drew thousands of people into … Read more

Keeping in Touch

It has always amazed me the number of new people who come into our office who have been to a chiropractor but cannot remember the previous chiropractor’s name.  I actually had a person who had seen a chiropractor before but could not remember who or where.  The name sounded familiar to me so I checked … Read more


One of the most difficult aspects of practice is having to confront practice members. For most chiropractors there are three major areas of confrontation. The first is fees. The second is scheduling people, how often you want to see them, and for how long. Lastly, is the idea of lifetime-maintenance care, coming in regularly for … Read more

Time Marches On

Greg Stanley maintains that everything relative to the practice of chiropractic changes about every five years. That’s a pretty sobering thought that has some major ramifications. First, those who use practice management consultants who have been out of practice for more than five years have to wonder whether the consultant’s advice is still relevant. Especially … Read more

Setting Goals

Some of us have not yet set goals or developed projects for 2008, possibly because we have not accomplished those for 2007 yet. This is the case for me this year. I’m not sure whether it is because I am not as motivated as I should be or because I had higher expectations than I … Read more

Practice Sustaining

On October 2, 2007, we will celebrate our 40th year in practice.  To celebrate, we have a number of different activities occurring during the 40 days leading up to the anniversary.  Among the activities during this celebration, we are acknowledging practice members who have been coming to our office on a regular basis for 20 … Read more

In The Imperceptible Realm

We have an important concept in our chiropractic philosophy that says that if a principle is true in the perceptible realm, it is true in the imperceptible realm. The butterfly effect is part of that principle. You all know the idea. When a butterfly flaps its wings, it may “cause” or contribute to a hurricane … Read more

Continuing Education

I recently received a complimentary CD from a practice management consultant who mentioned that we were currently seeing 8% of the American public in our offices but his management organization wanted to see that figure rise to 80% of the public.  A number of things struck me.  First, I had no idea things were that … Read more

Teaching or Training

I use to think that we chiropractors should be teachers, that we should communicate the chiropractic message to people and then watch it change their thinking and their lives.  In fact, I have often said to audiences that educating practice members is almost as important as the adjustment. Recently, I started to make a more … Read more