ADIO v OI- the Difference, Power Source Contrasts

OIBU utilizes educated intelligence which is not perfect, depending upon the limitations of matter of the educated brain and their limited effects. ADIO utilizes the innate brain, which is perfect.It is only limited by interference of its expression.

9 thoughts on “ADIO v OI- the Difference, Power Source Contrasts”

  1. “OIBU utilizes educated intelligence which is not perfect, depending upon the limitations of matter of the educated brain and their limited effects.”
    And yet even still, with the accumulation of knowledge, both historical and informational, using his(hers) fortitude, determination of will, and the creative impulse, man has managed to get out of the cave, and reach for the stars.
    “ADIO utilizes the innate brain, which is perfect.It is only limited by interference of its expression.”
    ONLY is an understatement.
    A “perfect” potential is not on par with an “imperfect” outcome.
    If it lets me think, see, hear, do, hope, feel, I’ll take the imperfect.
    I understand your comparison, but in this case I believe we are comparing apples and oranges.
    Drop the “ONLY” and maybe, MAYBE the comparison is more factual, more just

    • David, I was comparing the objective of running the human body. The educated brain is a valuable tool for what it is intended to do… Its objective is not intendee to run the human body. “reach for the stars”….yes, that’s an educated function!”run the human body”…. We are still in the “cave” with regard to that objective. A “perfect” potential is not on par with an “imperfect” outcome.
      If it lets me think, see, hear, do, hope, feel, I’ll take the imperfect.”
      A perfect outcome based on a perfect potential is better…ALWAYS.
      Thinking, seeing, hearing and especially doing and thinking always involves the educate intelligence and are subject to error… playing baseball is an example on both fronts; doing (error of commission) and thinking (error of omission). Thanks for making me think more!

      • Sometimes I think or understand that statement
        ” A perfect outcome based on a perfect potential is better…ALWAYS.”
        to mean
        that the knowledge that a perfect potential exists (Normal) and respecting that, humbling to that leaves many many doors open to what life (living) IS. It’s not always about outcome. It’s about have ones mind, thru philosophical understanding, thru appreciation, thru getting some Big Idea, EXPAND.
        You’ve remarked about the need to choose between a viewpoint of life with purpose (acknowledging cause and effect, a creator, seeing the ADIO relationships unpacked, principled, from whole, not from part versus a random process of pieces that man has found, put together as theory and then fact, an existence that is almost an accident, no moral compass except what we, man decide upon (majority, etc.). That IT can’t be both! purpose and accident. And if it is not, then one has to has to make a choice and then live by that choice. Oh it’s a tough one to get. Here I go again. blabbing!

        • ” A perfect outcome based on a perfect potential is better…ALWAYS.” That’s the OSC objective! (LACVS)
          ” An imperfect outcome based on an imperfect potential is better…SOMETIMES”-getting sick people well “That’s TSC, mixing, OIBU, and or medicine. I chose to practice OSC professionally. Personally… well that’s personal!!

  2. I guess I confuse professionally and personally, the difference between “Running the body” and “Fixing the body beyond the effects that LOM render.
    Personally, and I could go into more detail if requested, the accomplishments that OIBU (I’ll say – medical, or research, etc.) has played in my life, specifically, my daughter, well, I owe so much to the capacities that man (educated) has allowed that it is very challenging for me to prioritize my respect for an ADIO vs OIBU comparison.
    I’m very sensitive to it.
    It’s funny when one reads, the personal emphasis on certain words and how they personally effect meaning.
    I understand your statement (this post). You’re targeting the perfection or lack of perfection relative to intelligence that living things utilize, in living (P20) and specifically man (Educated) and perhaps where we should prioritize our focus particularly we Chiropractors and yes, mankind with respect to a viewpoint based on truth and proper living.
    Anyway I’ve blabbed long enough

    • David, if you do not view them as alternatives or competitions but two different “professions”/objectives needing two different professionals. You just need to know which enable you to best fulfill your life’s purpose and then make that choice.You can decide which “profession” is your calling and which you (or your daughter, or PM’s/patients) may need, in time, professionally. Which ever you choose is no reflection on you or your chosen profession. This is what frees the OSCor and causes frustration to the TSCor.


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