…is the normal response or the abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation. The former we understand by deduction, the latter we understand by experience. The problem is that rarely can we tell the difference.
…is the normal response or the abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation. The former we understand by deduction, the latter we understand by experience. The problem is that rarely can we tell the difference.
Hold on your speaking too fast.
Symptom, subjective, known by experience, a normal response to an abnormal situation.
Sign, objective, known by deduction, a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.
What we don’t know is are both of these adaptation or pathological.
Is that right?
Steve, I think you are “mixing” the medical definition of symptoms and signs and the chiropractic philosophical explanation of the body’s response (normal) and reaction (abnormal) to both signs and symptoms.
So, the body “responds” to an Adjustment and “reacts” to a poison? Wouldn’t both be considered the normal expected outcomes, given U/I laws?
Please clarify, that is why I am here so often, it seems I could use a lot of clarification.
Steve, I’m glad you are here. If you were not, Claude would probably drive both his wife and me nuts!
The body could also respond to a poison… vomiting may be a “normal response to an abnormal situation” but it could also be a reaction….death! We just do not know (except death would be an experience that would tell us it was a reaction (abnormal)). I thought I had written a lengthy article on the difference between response and reaction. Perhaps it is still in the draft stage. I have dozens of articles like that. Did I ever post something like that? A fever is the classic example of something that may be a response or a reaction and why we do not make a judgment as an OSC.
Don’t remember that from Pivot Review or COTB Or Blue Books for that matter. Would like to read it if you can find it. It seems you have defined them thusly, Respond-within the LOM, React- beyond LOM.
Thanks Steve, I will try to find that essay and post/repost it.
I too am looking forward to that article.
I seem to be a magnet when it comes to people asking me questions on their limitations of matter.
Perhaps I ask for it because I like to ask questions. I find elevated body temperature and how we think of it is usually the sticking point for most people.
Don, get a copy of Joe’s “Enhance Your Life Experience” book for a very simple explanation to discuss such matters with your people. Also, you may want to consider starting a continuing education program as deeper discussions require a foundational understanding of the basis of the chiropractic philosophy. Very often once you lay down the foundation for your people, the answers you give them will make more sense and actually allow them to come to similar if not the same conclusions.”Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”